In my dreams I saw my grandmother
whom I met for the very first time
as deep as the atlantic ocean, she gazed at me and said
I hope your love tints the world
my daughter, ptit mwen (creole for 'my child')
you are my wildest dreams
I am the answered prayers of my ancestors
I am exactly what my mother prayed for,,
on knees before sunrise
She prayed not that I could be excellent
but that I would live a life without suffering
that I could just be
all the things she was not able to be in the hopes that I can be
her mother did the same
and the mother of her mother did the very same
their tears watered this foreign soil
so that one day I could be offered flowers just because,
I am
Everything that is beautiful has a consequence
I am my ancestors wildest dreams
Planted and birthed by the moon on foreign soil
I carry my ancestors soul
my magic comes from my mother’s tongue that gave meaning to the word freedom
my magic comes from the hming praise songs my mother sang to Yawyeh
She and all the ones before her
She in all her pain is the reason that I am
my ancestors wildest dreams
I use to only write about sorrow
my body remembered my grandmother whom I never met
I feel her presence
her past is a memory that I carry
because, damn it, she deserves that, at least
to be remembered
everything beautiful has a consequence
they are,
and all those before me
parts of me and I of them
their past is my own memories
while daydreaming
my grandmother saw me
in a field of flowers
hming praises song to Yawyeh
she said to me I hope the world never tints you
but rather you tint the world in shades of brown
my daughter. ptit mwen (creole for 'my child')
you are my living dream